TURKEY septemper 2010
It is already more than half a year I have spend some holiday time in Turkey. The adventure was unforgettable and meeting new people gave me a different perspective on this life. After some time you can see from the distance what experience can bring to you. It is not always so easy to search the truth. But when you just stop in front of your life surrounded with what life is bringing to you at the moment, is much easier to open your wings and fly. Trying to let the old way of thinking. Life is offering you everything what you need at the specific moment. Thank you everyone who I met on this trip...
Minilo je že več kot pol leta odkar sem preživela dopust v Turčiji. Potovanje je bilo nepozabno in srečavanje novih ljudi mi je dalo drugačen pogled na življenje. Šele čez nekaj časa lahko vidim iz distance kaj ti lahko nudi neka določena izkušnja. Ni vedno lahko iskati resnico. Ampak ko najdeš svežino trenutka in se ustaviš nasproti tistemu, kar se ti v trenutku ponuja takšno kot je, takrat je veliko lažje razpreti krila in leteti. Opustiti stare navade mišljenja.
I came to Turkey in the middle of the night... Spend there one week, find a friend Joao who I know from Ljubljana. He just had an exhibition in Istanbul and I was lucky I could help him a little bit with technical preparations... First impression when I came there was a different smell everywhere and animals; cats and dogs all around and birds... So many people everywhere... There was just the month of Bayram. In some point I could feel there will be the end of the world... So windy and people trying to get on their goal. I couldn't just stop and breath... So I decided very soon to leave this big 16 million people Metropolitan and go on to the south. The only photo I was able to do was on the way from the night bus I took... The trip started...